Attorneys Robert, David and James Cody

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Get the facts about distracted driving in Minnesota

On Behalf of | Apr 29, 2021 | Car Crashes |

According to the Minnesota Office of Traffic Safety, one in nine auto accidents in the state involves a distracted driver. In 2020 alone, 29 state residents died and nearly 3,000 were injured in this type of motor vehicle accident.

Review the rules about texting and driving in Minnesota and the steps to take if you suffer an injury in a distracted driving crash.

Hands-free Minnesota laws

Drivers may not read, write or send electronic messages behind the wheel in Minnesota, even when the car has stopped at a red light. The law also prohibits accessing the internet and social media sites while driving.

Drivers who get this type of ticket must pay more than $100 in fines and court fees. The state can charge the driver with a felony if he or she injures someone else while distracted.

Compensation for accident injuries

You can file a lawsuit if you or a loved one has serious injuries after an auto accident. You must show the court that the other driver caused the crash, such as in a texting and driving incident.

Because Minnesota is a no-fault state, you can only take your case to court if you have at least $4,000 in related medical expenses or permanent disfigurement or disability. Otherwise, you must file a claim with your auto insurance company.

Drivers have two years to file a personal injury lawsuit after a motor vehicle accident in Minnesota. Compensation may include the actual expenses from the accident, such as medical bills and lost wages, as well as damages for non-monetary costs such as loss of life enjoyment.

