Attorneys Robert, David and James Cody

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What do statistics reveal about Minn. work-related injuries?

On Behalf of | Feb 19, 2020 | Work Injuries |

The Minnesota Department of Labor and Industry analyzed work-related injury statistics from 2018 and released the findings in November 2019. As reported by the Twin Cities Pioneer Press, the results reveal some interesting information about work-related injuries statewide. 

With 19% of all reported injuries affecting the back, it was the most commonly injured body part in 2018. After the back, the hands and the head were among the most commonly injured body parts, each representing 10% of all reported injuries. 

Representing 36% of all cases, bodily reactions and overexertion were the most common causes of reported work-related injuries. The next most common, representing 28% of all work-related injury causes, were slips, trips and falls. 

The most common injuries to result in missed days of work were strains, sprains and tears, which collectively accounted for 35% of cases. Approximately 20% of injuries that caused missed days of work were soreness and pain, making them collectively the second-most common injury. 

Overall, the incidence rate of work-related injuries and illness per 100 workers in Minnesota was 3.2 in 2018. This is a slight decrease from 3.3 in 2017 but also one of the lowest rates since 1973 when the Department of Labor and Industry first started keeping records of work-related injuries. 

However, workers in certain professions are at greater risk of work-related injury or illness than others. For example, in Minnesota, there is a 4.9 incidence rate per 100 workers in the fields of agriculture, forestry, fishing and hunting, while in the construction industry, the incidence rate of work-related injuries is five per 100 workers. The survey consisted of information from 4,700 public and private employers. 

