Attorneys Robert, David and James Cody

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Why does it matter what doctor you use after a work injury?

On Behalf of | Jan 4, 2022 | Work Injuries |

Filing a workers’ compensation claim may seem pretty straightforward, but it is important that you carefully follow the process. Make sure you understand your employer’s expectations for filing a claim so you can give yourself the best possible chance of getting approved.

One detail, in particular, can have a significant impact on whether or not your employer approves your claim; the doctor you choose. Working with a health care provider in-network with workers’ compensation coverage is a requirement many employers uphold.

Approved medical treatment

Prior to receiving treatment, consult your employer and thoroughly read your workers’ compensation packet so you know which providers you can go to. In serious incidents where you may require lifesaving medical treatment or emergency aid, your employer may exercise a bit more flexibility in this regard. However, for all subsequent treatments including rehabilitative therapy, verify that the providers of your choice are compliant with your employer’s plan.

Proactive communication

Throughout your recovery, you will want to keep open communication with your employer. U.S. News reminds you that it is your responsibility to make sure your employer receives the notification of your work-related injury. Disclose your progress and the suggested recovery timeline your doctor gave you. Express your interest in returning to work and consider asking about alternative solutions for your return to work. These may include telecommuting, modified responsibilities or a shortened work schedule while you recover.

Paying close attention to the details required to file a workers’ compensation claim may prevent the disappointment of a denied claim. A thorough claim may improve your outcome so you can utilize your workers’ compensation benefits.

